Perfect x Istituto Marangoni: DYSFUTURE questions the state of our reality, and the future.


In a series of mentorship workshops with Katie Grand and Istituto Marangoni, MA fashion students were able to dive deep into the world of fashion styling and production, learning the key elements and principles of creating fashion imagery and moving image. Students were split into 5 groups and asked to create and present a creative project, encompassing across different types of media. Sharing their mood boards and inspirations, the groups collaborated and presented their ideas which touched upon mirroring reality with the Metaverse, human connection and pain, the distorted future, intimacy and movement.

Filippa Ahnhem, Mattia Alberti, Tewis Gandola, Michele Guerrieri and Chiara Schembri created team DYSFUTURE during their final project, in order to showcase the multiple post-pandemic realities within our society. After a period of restrictions and prohibited socialising for 2 years, they draw parallels alongside the act of clubbing as a vision for the future - Uninhibited, rebellious and self-indulgent. The main mission behind DYSFUTURE is to examine our state of mind, the past, present and future, and create awareness and importance towards a balance of emotions. Speaking to Perfect during their final module at Istituto Marangoni, the group divulges more about their takeaways of working together and stepping into the world of image-making.

Angel: What was your initial idea for this collaborative project, what were your starting points? 

Team DYSFUTURE: Since the start our group wanted to recreate the feeling of being together, which was missing because of the pandemic. Parties and clubs looked like a mirage. In a World where everything seemed to be put on pause, dysfuture shows how the future might be distorted and unpredictable as it already is, but the power of being together will always prevail and give us hope.

Angel: What was your creative process like, how did the idea develop?

Team DYSFUTURE: The idea took place by casually talking about our interests and passions, since most of the participants did not know each other. After realising a shared feeling of what we were missing and desiring, the group decided to display the clubbing lifestyle in a short video. We did want every member to be actively part of the project, so we agreed everyone would have taken bits and pieces of footage for the final outcome. In such way, the final content would have been diverse and also more authentic. 

Angel: How did you work as a group, how did you find your unique energy between all of you?

Team DYSFUTURE: The harmony and synergy of the group was established by the shared feeling of recreating an experience which all the group members were interested and passionate about. This motivated us to work in close contact with each other by sharing different and new ideas whenever a group member wanted to, but also gave us the strength to actualise a project in which others could identify themselves with.

Angel: Working with Katie Grand, what are your takeaways from this mentorship project?

Team DYSFUTURE: Working with Katie Grand was fundamental since she guided us throughout the entire projects by giving us constant advices and support to create and actualise our project. Katie’s positive energy and expertise allowed us to never stop believing in our ideas, but also understand and overcome the limits and difficulties we would have encountered for the project. 

Angel: What are your individual goals going forward?

Team DYSFUTURE: As a group we all share the passion for fashion but in different areas of expertise. From journalism and creative direction to marketing and styling. Each group member is looking forward to work in the fashion industry and be part of creative projects such as this one.



#PicturePerfect: Swedish-Thai model Lovisa Lager showcases her favourite tattoos and her love for a good living room party.


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